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Welcome to PrideFest!

It’s almost that time.

After 3 years in the making and initially teased 2 years ago, the stars have aligned and VBLI could not be more excited to host New York’s first Grass Volleyball Pride Festival, or ‘PrideFest’ for short!

We’ve always had a lot to be thankful for, the support of the volleyball community chief among them. And with that support and the diverse, growing player pool in New York and the surrounding areas, the inspiration came about to have a special kind of charity volleyball tournament. With early-June appearing like the optimal time with respect to the summer Volleyball calendar in the Northeast, timing that is synonymous with Pride Month, throw in a lot of love…and bam, we have PrideFest!

But you can’t have a charity volleyball tournament without a charity, and that’s where our friends come in. Pride For Youth? The floor- er hem 'court' is yours!

Established in 1993 as a division of the Long Island Crisis Center, Pride For Youth (PFY) provides an array of services and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning LGBTQ individuals.

Their mission is to enhance the health and wellness of the LGBTQ community through education, supportive services, and personal development in Nassau, Suffolk and Queens Counties. Programs consist of sexual health and gender-affirming services, individual and family counseling, case management, support groups and spaces, and community education and professional trainings.

Most recently, PFY launched Long Island’s LGBTQ+ COVID-19 Relief Program offering food, housing and employment assistance, as well as availing their life-saving programs and services virtually.

Instagram: @PrideForYouth

To summarize, an awesome organization full of awesome people doing awesome things and making the world more awesome. Awesome! #Awesome

Over the coming weeks, we will share more information about Pride For Youth. In the meantime, consider visiting their website, following them on social and lending them the support you have shown us!

Everyone is invited regardless of their sexual orientation and/or how they identify. The tournament experience will more-or-less be the VBLI Tournament you have come to know, but dialed up in spirit, good vibes and with a lot more rainbows. Because absolutely important.

And here’s the best part…in regards to each team’s registration fee, $25 per individual (so that’s $50 per doubles team and $100 per quads team) will be donated to PFY so they can continue executing their mission.

Playing volleyball while contributing to an amazing cause? Living your best life is the only acceptable journey for summer 2022!

Also, if you own a business (or know of a business!) that might want to have a booth on-site, get in contact with us! VBLI is open to having additional partners for this premiere gathering.

The countdown begins! PrideFest is less than 2 months away…registration is open now in the ‘Tournaments’ section, so you can reserve your team’s spot and message your partners, volleyfriends and allies to save the June 11th date. Join us in making it a “can’t miss” event of the season.

Thank you for reading; we’ll see you at the Park!

Your Friends at VBLI


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